A massive transfer of wealth is underway. 4 trillion dollars of wealth transferred from small, independently-owned, family businesses to mega-corporations. 500 new billionaires have been created in the past year alone. It's time for a "reverse transfer" of wealth into the hands of God’s people. Learn how and why >>


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Dorah Omondi
2 years ago

I thank God for his platform. I honestly need a mentor in areas of business and finance. I have revived a business that once failed with Hope's in Christ Jesus to succeed. I will appreciate a mentor to walk me this journey. Be blessed

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Christine Otai
2 years ago

I thank God for this platform. I feel I need mentor (s) for all the areas of concerning finances. How do I go about this? 1. The area of stagnant business in terms of getting customers for my various businesses. 2. Handling finances. 3. Building wealth for future generations etc.

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Deborah Zoref
2 years ago

Thank you Jesus, I am interested to know more about how to make advertisements for your business online in a successful way.

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